BPW/NC focuses on the needs of ALL working women, whether they are employers, employees, businesswomen or women just beginning their careers.


BPW/NC is:

BPW advocates for working women and their families, bringing their issues to the attention of political candidates and the legislature.

  • The ratification of the Equal Rights Amendment
  • Equal Pay
  • A family-friendly workplace


Signature BPW/NC Programs

  • Individual Development
  • Young Careerist
  • Women Joining Forces Mentoring Plus
  • Career Woman of the Year
  • Reality Store

Click here to meet our BPW/NC Federation Executive Committee.

Membership in BPW/NC includes an affiliation with the BPW Foundation, which has carried on the mission begun by BPW/USA in 1919. 

The BPW Foundation focuses on issues, such as:

Women Joining ForcesWorkplace Research, 

and workplace policy initiatives.

© 2010-2024 Business and Professional Women of North Carolina.  All rights reserved.

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